18 February, 2009

Over the weekend

Well, most you must have (correctly) guessed that this post is all about the happenings over the last weekend. Like all software engineers, I too get these two days to really chill out and get ready for the next week ahead.

However, my idea of chilling out is a bit different from that of most. So, all I do over the weekend is spend more time in front of my laptop (and you thought that after staring the computer screen for 5 days I may ask for a break!!).

Well, Saturday was uneventful - except that I caught up with a lot of old friends on gtalk, and cycled some more. The fun part started on Sunday. I was woken up by my room mate with a cup of hot, good smelling tea. He placed that on the bedpost and asked me to drink it and not fall asleep (which he knew I was about to do).

So, I somehow tried to wake my sleepy senses, and reached out for the tea cup. But since my senses had now woken yet, the cup slipped from my hands and fell on the bed. Now, the only problem is that I usually sleep with my laptop near my pillow - since checking my mails is the last thing I do before going to sleep. And, this day was no different. So, the tea spilled near my laptop.

I was fully awake in a jiffy, with the only thought in my mind was the safety of my laptop, which is a Dell machine without the Complete Care warranty. I pick up my laptop and see that the falling tea had missed it by a whisker, and heaved a sign of relief.

It was only later that I realize that the tea, though sparing my laptop, was not so kind to my mouse, and so now I have a mouse with a real stiff left key and a perfectly working right key.

But, all well that end's well... and so I swore to myself - to never put a cup of tea at my bedpost again (And you thought that I was going to let go of my Laptop huh!!)

This is Hashir, signing off

Over and out

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